Configure to use Keycloak for authentication and authorization


Introduction to Keycloak

Keycloak provides open source authentication and authorization access control management for modern applications and services. It implements OpenID, OAuth2.0, and SAML single sign-on protocols. And also provides LDAP and Active Directory and third-party login adaptation functions such as OpenID Connect, SAML2.0 IdPs, Github, and Google. It can be used out of the box.

Why use Keycloak?

After SupSuperMap iServer, SuperMap iPortal, SuperMap iExpress, and SuperMap iManage are connected to Keycloak respectively, the following capabilities can be achieved:

Configure to use Keycloak

For installation and configuration of Keycloak, see: Keycloak installation and configuration. The following is a detailed description of how to configure in SuperMap iServer/iPortal/iEdge, taking SuperMap iPortal as an example:

Log in to the iPortal as the iPortal administrator, click Management > Security > Login Configuration > Keycloak Configuration:

Next, you need to perform "Attribute role associated information configuration", that is, the relationship between the role in iPortal and the role in Keycloak. SuperMap iPortal already has some built-in role mappings, you can also add new role mappings by clicking the "Add role mapping" button:

After the above configuration is completed, log out of iPortal. Click the “Login” button on the iPortal home page, it will forward to the Keycloak login page, then you can log in with the Keycloak account.